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Trigonometric Sine Function - Sin(deg)

Sin or Sine function is defined as a value (or the ratio) obtained by dividing the Opposite Side of the reference angle measured in degrees (x) or (y) by the Hypotenuse (the largest side AC that joins the two sides AB and BC that are at 90 degrees to each other in the triangle shown beside) of the reference angle in a Right Angled Triangle. The value of Sine function varies from -1 to +1 (Table A below shows values for key angles that are between 0 and 360 degrees). Right Angled Triangle
The Inverse value of Sine or ASin(x) gives the value of x in degrees (ASin(0.5) = 30 degrees etc.).

Sine(x) = BC/AC Sine(x) = AB/AC
     Sin(x) = Opposide Side/Hypotenuse = BC/AC      Sin(y) = Opposide Side/Hypotenuse = AB/AC

Reference and Related information and links:
Sinusoidal (Sine) Wave Y-Plot
Cosine or Cos Function - Cos(degree)
Tangent or Tan Function - Tan(degree)
Various Mathematical Abbreviations - Math

Last Revised on: November 11th, 2023
